buah pace yang matang di pohon 1 buah
parut kunyit kemudian letakan parutan pada sebuah mangkok kecil
kemudian tambahkan pace lalu di remas-remas sampai pace tercampur dengan parutan kunyit
saring dan peras dengan saringan kemudian ambil airnya untuk diminum
minum 2 kali sehari rutin selama minimal lima bulan
improving brain disorders with herbs
turmeric (turmeric parents) of adult toes 1 slice
the fruit is ripe a fruit pace
grated turmeric grated and then put in a small bowl
then add the pace and the pace knead until mixed with grated turmeric
strain and squeeze with filter and then take the water for drinking
drink 2 times a day regularly for at least five months.
the fruit is ripe a fruit pace
grated turmeric grated and then put in a small bowl
then add the pace and the pace knead until mixed with grated turmeric
strain and squeeze with filter and then take the water for drinking
drink 2 times a day regularly for at least five months.
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